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MIAMI MUSIK BUZZ FEATURED ARTIST - you can get a flavor of their vibe not only by visiting their profile but we have embedded a few pages with their sound as well check it out ! ... BIG UP >>> KEEP BUZZING!
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Kevin Walters known to many as I-Purple he was birth in Alexandria in the parish of St Ann, Jamaica the garden parish of legendries’ Bob Marley, Burning Spear and Marcus Garvey. Kevin and his parents then relocated to Kingston while he was an infant some many years ago.

While growing up as a child his father was a musician so he taught him how to play a few instruments such as the guitar and the keyboard during the attendance of church which gave him a high motivation to choose music as a career.

With the grown nature of I-Purple and his drive to become a professional musician he decided to get better by mastering his talent at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts.

In 2009-10 he could see I-Purple live performing at the hot night spots, Christopher’s Jazz and Red Bones Blues Café where they audiences was all eating out of his hands during each splendid performances. Even though he was a stage performer in that time in 2008 he did his first real recording the single called ‘Stay Low’ which was produced by IPurple but was then released in 2012 then follow up by his next single Colder than Ice which was released in later 2013 on the label of Jah Mix Production out of Canada.

A most memorable moment: “2007 travelling to the USA to a College”
His Highest in his Musical Career: “Is to be a Worldwide Renowned Musician”

Twitter: @purple_kev
Reverbnation: I-Purple
For Bookings: 1088 Entertainment Agency
Tel: , (876)3623047/328-2689

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